Representing a quarter of households' carbon footprint, and with major implications for biodiversity, agriculture and food are among the priority sectors for the ecological transition and environmental labelling.

French agriculture enables us to feed a large population, safely and qualitatively. It structures our rural landscapes and is a source of numerous jobs, supporting active and diversified food industries. On the other hand, agriculture and livestock farming use energy, water, fertilizers and chemicals, and contribute to the artificialization of soils. Agriculture uses imported products (soya, palm oil, etc.) and is part of global value chains. Products are processed, transported and packaged, which also generates impacts.

Three major levers are commonly identified to ensure a more sustainable food system:

- Changing eating habits (balance between animal and plant products; seasonality, etc.)

-The implementation of more sustainable production methods (e.g.: development of agroecology), at every link in the chain (from farm to fork). This is known as eco-design.

- Reducing losses and waste: it is estimated that 30% of production is lost worldwide (between the field and the plate, including consumer losses).

Environmental labelling aims to support both eco-design and the evolution of food practices. It is a useful tool for both consumers and producers, and will contribute to the ecological transition. It must form part of a range of tools, public policies and private initiatives supporting the evolution of the food system.

To find out more about the sector's environmental challenges :

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